
Dragon-carving for Writers

Dragon-carving for Writers

Literature and creativity in translation, funded by British Council Connections Through Culture

7 Ways of Reading Philosophy: #6 Reading for laughs

7 Ways of Reading Philosophy: #6 Reading for laughs

Why so serious? Philosophy, mood, and why sometimes, seriousness is overrated.

Kautilya on the Crooked Business of Politics

Kautilya on the Crooked Business of Politics

The ancient Indian treatise on rulership, and the pragmatics of maintaining power

Barbara Stok, on Comics and Cynics

Barbara Stok, on Comics and Cynics

Comics artist Barbara Stok talks about her brilliant reimagining of the life of the Cynic philosopher Hipparchia.

Award Shortlisting for Hello, Stranger

Award Shortlisting for Hello, Stranger

My book, Hello, Stranger, has been shortlisted for the East Anglian Book Awards.

Storytelling Workshops With Myanmar Teachers

Storytelling Workshops With Myanmar Teachers

A three-day workshop with Myanmar-based teachers.

Talking Manifestos in Waterford

Talking Manifestos in Waterford

Writing for social change in Waterford, Ireland

Indigo Magazine, Korea

Indigo Magazine, Korea

At a book festival in Korea (but only virtually)

Food and Stories in Ireland, with Wind&Bones

Food and Stories in Ireland, with Wind&Bones

This September, I'm in Ireland at the Waterford Harvest Festival

We Have Tired of Violence: Review in the TLS

We Have Tired of Violence: Review in the TLS

A review of Matt Easton's new book in the TLS

Playing with Prognostications

Playing with Prognostications

This paper was written for the 2022 Yijing World Summit Forum. It’s about play and divination, and it won the 2022 first prize for essays on the Yijing (优秀易经论文一等奖).

This is a draft of the paper that I gave remotely at the 2022 Yijing World …

Bootleg Copies of my Book are Available in Iran, and I’m Okay With That

Bootleg Copies of my Book are Available in Iran, and I’m Okay With That

For all the divisiveness of global politics, books have the power to connect