Hello, Stranger in Paperback

The paperback edition of Hello, Stranger: Stories of Connection in a Divided World hits the shops in a couple of weeks. It’s bold and bright and orange, and will be much easier to stick into your bag as you head off on your summer holidays than the handsome-but-hefty hardback.

The cover is peppered with all kinds of nice things that people like the Guardian, the Economist and Rev. Richard Coles have said about the book. And, as a bonus, the back cover features a very cute little black cat, trying to decide what side of the door it should be on. Buy it for the stories, and get the cat as a bonus. Or buy it for the cat, and get the stories as a bonus. Either way, you can’t lose.

Get yourself a copy from the usual places (try Hive or Bookshop.org.uk). And, while you are at it, get a second copy to give to a passing stranger.

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