Spring, Like Us, Grows Old
A Poem about ageing and loss, written by one of China’s greatest women poets, Li Qingzhao
Philosophy, Writing and Wayward Curiosities from Will Buckingham
A Poem about ageing and loss, written by one of China’s greatest women poets, Li Qingzhao
Mozi was one of the most influential of all early Chinese philosophers. He proposed a society based on universal love, protected by a system of rewards and punishments.
Democritus and his teacher Leucippus were the first philosophers to propose that all things were made up of the joining-together of imperceptible atoms.
A masterpiece of children’s literature about grief, friendship, human difference, and the art of waiting.
Is philosophy the love of wisdom? Or is it, as some philosophers have suggested, the wisdom of love? And what do love and wisdom have to do with each other anyway?
For Plato, divination is always tied up with madness — but that it is not to diminish it. Instead, as far as Plato is concerned, divination may be a necessary madness. This is what Plato writes in Timaeus (71e): The claim that god gave divination as …
Three rules for the creative life: avoid suffering, embrace difficulty, seek out pleasure
The Buddha was a wandering renunciant in Ancient India who kick-started a two and a half thousand-year-old religious and philosophical tradition. But who was he?
Human attempts to read, interpret and over-interpret the world are fascinatingly diverse. This is a list of some divination methods, culled from here and there. Wikipedia has a much more comprehensive list, but these are my favourites. If you happen …
What does it mean to say "I love you"? And how do these three little words change our sense of ourselves, our commitments, and our future?
Diogenes was the original drop-out philosopher. A fierce critic of the hypocrisy of society, he chose instead to live in accord with nature.